          求?里花?MP3 ( 求?里花?-李?舟-?周公-??玲-林??-李?-?理?-?金燕(Taiwan female singer, her dad art name "Zhu.Good.Liang")-金燕(Taiwan consider older female singer)-王?燕-汪?燕-李妍-李?秋-王秋影-林?-金美?-林伶俐-?玲玲-林美?(she's a church member, I saw her in Taipei once when I was together with ?慧珍 and others that I don't remember any one of their names, back from Taiwan East Coast trip) -走?- 土地買賣公?-公差-柴玲(I sensed 柴玲's one of Condi Rice "孫.5.空(-控-孔-恐; this may explain how come 于丹 so shamelessly steal 孔.Ja[cket].Lwen.Yu.據.Way.G.Yo.; you need to question how old 于丹is, where she got Confucius acknowledged to qualify her to act like Confucius expert.).Chain.Ben.Won.What."The above comment supposed posted in http://post.baid 節能燈具 but rejected with the disgusting "Huang.Whore" bias " ?不要?表含有不适??容的留言?不要?表?告?" Taiwan law makers you need discuss with HongKong law makers to question Mainland China which words in above comments "含有不适??容的留言 or ?告?" Taiwan and HongKong law makers need to know to respect we the powerless people's pen writing right is 租屋the key to guard you minority good better best to live long life. Taiwan and HongKong law makers must not see "于丹 so shamelessly steal 孔.Ja[cket].Lwen.Yu.據.Way.G.Yo" like nothing, because majority of Mainland Chinese cannot even have the strength to read Tradition Chinese words, not mention to have the will to try to read "Lwen.Yu" like Taiwan or HongKong in middle or high school enforce 膠原蛋白d acknowledged in school tests; not long, the real good lessons will replaced by 于丹 sucked "Huang.Whore" "Jane.Tea.Zhi" around the world, if you allow her to steal Confucius to fool Mainland Chinese weak brain cells, all your Chinese good remainings sooner or later will gone with the wind. Therefore, you must do your selfdefense, to bomb any building that printing any Chinese original "Wen.Yan.Wen." book with M 土地買賣ainland China simplified words, or to kill any one that re-writes or remarks or translates Chinese "Wen.Yan.Wen." book with Mainland China simplified words, because weak or wicked Mainland Chinese lacks of strength to read and write Chinese tradition words, better not care any issue socially or politically, they must be allowed only farm to feed themselfs or to work the job they like to work that supplied by military calls, they must not 關鍵字行銷 allowed to work in any stores or any factories so that to protect them from tooled or slaved by your own enemy within or by foreign underground chained slavery terrorist that hiding in your place too deep to tell. Taiwanese needs to know that you may have no right to come to USA to kill Americans, you have absolute right to go to Mainland China to kill any Mainland Chinese, because they all under lawless China Communist slaved, can not have strength enoug G2000h to face civil right must demanded patiently long. Therefore, Taiwan and HongKong law makers, for you self better off, you need to talk to Mainland China gangsters that any one who cannot write tradition Chinese words must not allowed to come to your place, anyone who know how to read and write tradition Chinese words must not allowed to stay in China Communist area; those who are Mainland Chiense and already know how to write and read Tradition Chinese words must move into Ho 房屋出租ngKong and Taiwan if they are good enough to have HongKong or Taiwan authority lawfully accept them, otherwise, they must be killed, because Mainland Chinese can know traditional words must be too old to live or must be the enemy within linking to "Y.Grade", if they are good persons, Taiwan or HongKong should have no problem to accept them for their more knowledgeable about Mainland China, if HongKong or Taiwan official unwilling to take them, must because they cannot be a positive to their place, 個人信貸they cannot be positive to Taiwan or HongKong, they must be the negative to whole China, they deserved to be killed the sooner the better off for themself and for the rest of the world. If you Taiwanese and HongKong law makers cannot have the peaceful mind to negotiate figure out reasonable deal, you must seal all your borders from the rest of the world not meet each other lifetime to say so long.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 辦公室出租  .

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